English Expressions
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- A breeze
- A crack at
- A flop
- A matter of time
- A slew of
- A step forward
- A tiny sliver
- Abide by
- Above and beyond
- Accident waiting to happen
- Act on
- Add up
- Against your will
- Akin to
- All in
- All of a sudden
- All the rage
- All walks of life
- An edge
- Angle for
- Apples-to-apples
- Arms race
- As far as I know
- At any given time
- At first glance
- At its peak
- At once
- At random
- At risk of
- At the behest of
- At the expense of
- At the last minute
- At the mercy of
- Average out
- Back away from
- Back up
- Back up (accumulation)
- Backed by
- Balancing act
- Band together
- Bear a burden
- Bear resemblance
- Bear the blame
- Bend to
- Better off
- Bid farewell
- Big deal
- Big picture
- Bite the bullet
- Blend in
- Blow over
- Blown off course
- Boil over
- Bow to pressure
- Brace yourself
- Bragging rights
- Brand new
- Bread and butter
- Break down
- Break out
- Break out
- Breathe new life into
- Bring back
- Brush off
- Buck the trend
- Buckle down
- Build up
- Building blocks
- Bulk up
- Bundle up, comb through
- Burn off
- Burn through
- Bursting at the seams
- Buy in bulk
- Buy into
- Buy up
- Buyer beware
- By and large
- By the day
- Call attention to
- Call for
- Call off
- Call out
- Can’t help but
- Capitalize on
- Carry out
- Carve out
- Cash in on
- Catch on
- Catch on
- Catch up
- Catch up with
- Catch-all
- Cater to
- Caught up in
- Change of heart
- Change your ways
- Check in
- Check the boxes
- Clamor for
- Clear out
- Close call
- Close call
- Closely-knit
- Cloud your judgment
- Come across
- Come around
- Come as a surprise
- Come away
- Come down with
- Come full circle
- Come home with
- Come in
- Come into contact
- Come into focus
- Come out
- Come through
- Come through
- Come to a head
- Come to fruition
- Come to grips
- Come to grips
- Come to light
- Come to mind
- Come to pass
- Come to the rescue
- Come together
- Come true
- Come under fire
- Come up
- Come up with
- Comic relief
- Cook up
- Cool off
- Counter-culture
- Cover up
- Crack down, Caught up
- Cracks in the system
- Creep closer
- Creep out
- Cross a line
- Crux
- Curry favor with
- Cut a deal
- Cut back on
- Cut corners
- Cut down on
- Cut off
- Cut short
- Cut through
- Cutting edge
- Fade away
- Fall apart
- Fall behind
- Fall for
- Fall from grace
- Fall into
- Fall on
- Fall on hard times
- Fall out of fashion
- Fall short
- Familiar with
- Feature not a bug
- Fed up
- Fend for yourself
- Fend off
- Fight back
- Fight off
- Figure in
- Figure out
- Figure that
- Fill a vacuum
- Fill out
- Fill up
- Filter out
- Find your way
- Fine-tune
- Fire up
- Fit the bill
- Flare up
- Flat-flooted
- Flip a switch
- Float an idea
- Focus on
- Follow suit
- Follow suit
- For a living
- For better or for worse
- For good
- For good measure
- For the most part
- For the time being
- Founded in
- From scratch
- Gain traction
- Game the system
- Gather steam
- Gathering steam
- Geared toward
- Get around
- Get away with
- Get cold feet
- Get down to business
- Get going
- Get in on the action
- Get into gear
- Get off on the right foot
- Get off the ground
- Get off to a good start
- Get out of
- Get out of hand
- Get rid of
- Get wind of
- Get your fix
- Get your hopes up
- Give away
- Give in
- Give rise to
- Give voice to
- Give way
- Go about your business
- Go after
- Go back on
- Go by
- Go down a rabbit hole
- Go missing
- Go off
- Go on to
- Go over well, Die down
- Go to great lengths
- Go well with
- Go without
- Good Samaritan
- Grapple with
- Grind to a halt
- Grow closer
- Grow up
- Guard against
- Hailed as hero
- Hand in hand
- Hand out
- Hand-in-hand
- Hard pressed
- Hash out
- Have a hard time
- Have a history of
- Have a knack for
- Have something going
- Have the luxury
- Have your finger on the pulse
- Head for
- Headed in
- Hear me out
- Heat up
- Herd mentality
- Hit home
- Hit or miss
- Hitch a ride, On behalf
- Hold a grudge, Come about
- Hold firm
- Hold off
- Hold out hope
- Hold up
- Hold up
- Hold up
- Holding pattern
- Hook up
- Hop on
- I’ll take you up on that
- Identify with
- If all else fails
- Imagine that
- In a bind
- In a pinch
- In charge of
- In command
- In droves
- In keeping with
- In order
- In place
- In progress
- In reality
- In sight
- In tatters
- In the best possible light
- In the dark
- In the eyes of
- In the face of
- In the face of
- In the sweet spot
- In the wake of
- In the works
- In touch
- In use
- In your prime
- In-depth
- Inch closer
- Inflection point
- Inspired by
- Intangibles
- Intent on
- Off the coast
- Off the cuff
- On a roll
- On a tear
- On a technicality
- On board
- On hand
- On hand
- On par with
- On the backs of
- On the eve of
- On the line
- On the outskirts
- On the same page
- On the surface
- On the way
- On track
- On your plate
- Once in a while
- One for the ages
- One of a kind
- Open the door
- Open to
- Open up
- Out and about
- Out of reach
- Out of the woods
- Out of touch
- Out of your way
- Over the top
- Over the years
- Overplay your hand
- Overrun with
- Overstay your welcome
- Paint a picture
- Pale in comparison
- Partial to
- Pass along
- Pass away
- Pass down
- Pass off as
- Pass out
- Pass the torch
- Pass through
- Pass up
- Pay back
- Pay off
- Pay respects
- Pay up
- Peace of mind
- Pent up
- Phase in, Phase out
- Pick out
- Pick up
- Piece together
- Pile on
- Pin down
- Pit someone against another
- Plan ahead
- Play a part
- Play a role in
- Play into (someone’s) hands
- Play off
- Play out
- Plenty of
- Point out
- Point to
- Pop culture
- Pop up
- Pore over
- Pour out
- Preside over
- Press up against
- Prone to
- Pull back on
- Pull off
- Pull off
- Pull over
- Push the boundaries
- Push the envelope
- Push the limit
- Put a brave face on
- Put ahead of
- Put off
- Put on
- Put to use
- Put to use
- Put your money where your mouth is
- Raise awareness
- Raise eyebrows
- Raise the stakes
- Ramp up
- Rave about
- Reap the rewards
- Recipe for disaster
- Red flag
- Rely on
- Resort to
- Reverse course
- Ride out
- Rig together
- Rise to the occasion
- Risk it
- Rocky start
- Roll around
- Roll back
- Roll out
- Roll out
- Root cause
- Root cause
- Root for
- Root out
- Rule out
- Run for cover
- Run into
- Run on
- Run out
- Run the gamut
- Run through
- Safe haven
- Safety net
- Scale back
- Scratch the surface
- Scratch your head
- Seal someone’s fate
- Seek to
- Sentimental value
- Serve time
- Serve up
- Protected: Set in
- Set in
- Set in motion
- Set off
- Set off
- Set sail
- Set the stage
- Set your sights on
- Settle down
- Settle in
- Shake up
- Shape up
- Shell out
- Shine a spotlight
- Shore up, spill into, throw weight behind
- Short
- Short on
- Short run / long run
- Shoulder the burden
- Show off
- Show promise
- Show up
- Show your true colors
- Shut down, Bucket list
- Shy away from
- Side with
- Sift through
- Sigh of relief
- Silver lining
- Silver lining
- Sit well
- Sit well
- Skirt the issue
- Slim down
- Slip up
- Slippery slope
- Slow down
- Slow to a crawl
- Sober, Quirky
- Solid ground
- Sooner or later
- Sour on
- Space out
- Speak up
- Spend time
- Spoiled for choice
- Spread out
- Spread out
- Spring into action
- Spring up
- Square off
- Squeezed out
- Stack up
- Stacked against / stacked in favor
- Stand out
- Stand to
- Stand up to scrutiny
- Star in
- Stay afloat
- Stay in your lane
- Stay on top of
- Stay out of it
- Stay put
- Stay up
- Staying power
- Step aside
- Step back from
- Stepping stone
- Stick around
- Stick to
- Stick with
- Stick with
- Stick with (someone)
- Still around
- Stock up
- Stop short of
- Stop short, a stretch
- Straighten out
- Stranded, Fundraiser
- Stretched thin
- Strike a balance
- Strike a chord
- Strike a deal
- Stuck with
- Suffer from
- Suffer through
- Sum up
- Sweep away
- Sweep through
- Swept up in
- Swing it
- Tailor made
- Take a hit
- Take advantage of
- Take care of
- Take cover
- Take credit for
- Take effect
- Take exception to
- Take for granted
- take for granted
- Take it easy
- Take it upon yourself
- Take its toll
- Take liberties
- Take off
- Take out
- Take over
- Take place
- Take something in stride
- Take something lying down
- Take the edge off
- Take the plunge
- Take up
- Take up space
- Talk someone’s ear off
- Tap into
- Team up
- Test someone’s patience
- The last straw
- The twist
- Thin out
- Think straight
- Think twice
- Third time’s the charm
- Thorn in your side
- Throw yourself into
- Tight-lipped
- Time will tell
- To be able to tell
- To be in a bind
- To bite the dust
- To cause a stir
- To come in handy
- To get back on your feet
- To get yourself into
- To go bad
- To have your work cut out for you
- To make up for
- To put it mildly
- To put something in perspective
- To put stock in
- To spare
- To spell out
- To the naked eye
- To the untrained eye
- To try on
- Track down
- Tread carefully
- Treat (someone) to
- Treat yourself
- Try out
- Try your hand at
- Turn a corner
- Turn around
- Turn back
- Turn down
- Turn in
- Turn off
- Turn out
- Turn over
- Turn something on its head
- Turn the tables
- Turn to
- Turning point
- Walk by
- Wander around
- Wash up
- Wear and tear
- Wear thin
- Weather the storm
- Weed out
- Weighed down
- Weight on your shoulders
- Welcome with open arms
- When the dust settles
- Whip up
- Win out
- Win over
- Wind at your back
- Wind through
- Wiped out
- With a straight face
- Without a trace
- Work around the clock
- Work on
- Work something out
- Work through
- Worthwhile
- Wrap up
- Wreak havoc
- Wrest control
- Write (something) off
- Write off