Get better at English every day

Start your 14-day free trial of Plain English Plus+ and see how fast you can improve

Fun & effective way to learn English

Plain English is built for the way we learn today

Stories help you learn

Forget textbooks or long lists of words to memorize. You’ll learn English with stories about the world, including current events and trending topics.

Listen to audio at learning (slower) speed or at full-speed

Tools to express your ideas

Fill your English toolbox with the tools & expressions you need to express your best ideas.

Learn with audio lessons, video workshops, and exercises. Then get personal feedback on your own writing so you’re prepared for the real world

Interactive exercises build your skills

Practice all your skills and get immediate feedback with exercises that test your listening, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

Stay on track with instant translations of keywords into 9 languages

Practice speaking on live calls

Build your confidence speaking English in a safe and supportive environment.

Join a small-group conversation call with the Plain English team and other members

Try it all out for free

Frequently-asked questions

Don’t see your question? Simply contact us and we’ll be happy to give you a reply.

Is Plain English right for me?

Plain English is great for anyone who likes learning English and wants to practice listening, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary on a modern platform. Plain English is especially good for anyone at the intermediate level (between about A2 and C1 on the Cambridge scale).

Plain English is great for learners with an independent learning style. You’ll have the opportunity to explore our great lessons. We’ll guide you, but it’s up to you to determine what, and how much, to learn.

How do I learn in Plain English?

Plain English is a self-study program. You will choose the content that’s right for you (with our help, of course).

You’ll choose from the following types of content:

  • Stories: These short, ~12-minute audio lessons include stories about the world, including current events.
  • Expressions: Short audio lessons show you how to use a common English expression
  • Workshops: For more complex ideas, watch a step-by-step video lesson

All content includes transcripts or subtitles, interactive exercises, and the chance to practice what you learn and to get personal feedback.

Does Plain English include one-on-one classes?

We do not offer one-on-one classes.

At Plain English, we dedicate all our energy to creating a great independent learning experience.

However, your free trial includes the chance to join at least one small-group live conversation call. You can practice speaking in that small-group call.

What personal support do I get?

During your trial, you will have two ways to get personal support:

  1. Expert Answers: Send a question to Plain English and get a personalized response by video.
  2. Feedback on your writing: When you learn something in Plain English, you have the chance to practice writing your own examples using what you learn. You’ll get a response within about 24-48 hours with personal feedback on what you’ve written.
What are the live calls like?

The live conversation calls are a great opportunity for you to practice speaking in a supportive environment.

Jeff and JR are on all the calls. We choose a topic ahead of time. During the call, you have the opportunity to practice talking about the topics. (Topics are usually about recent stories or general interest topics.)

The calls are on Zoom. Calls have about six to eight participants and everyone has plenty of chances to talk.

There are three calls per month, each at a different time of day. If you can’t join the call(s) during your trial, you can request a link to one future call after your trial period ends.

You translate words in the transcript of each audio lesson. Which languages are available?

Our in-text translations are available into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Italian, German, Japanese, Turkish, and Polish. If you speak one of those languages, you’ll see translations of difficult words appear instantly in the transcript.

If you don’t speak one of those languages, that’s okay! You can still take the quizzes, do the interactive exercises, and ask all the questions you like.

How do I get the special fast-version podcast?

Plain English audio lessons come in two speeds: learning speed and full speed. Both are available on the website.

After you start your trial, you’ll be invited to access the fast version via a special podcast feed. You’ll get a special link that you will paste into common podcast players. The free trial includes a selection of fast versions of our audio lessons for you to download or stream.

What happens after my trial?

After your 14-day trial, you will be invited to choose a membership level that is right for you. We have two paid memberships and a free membership. If you don’t sign up for any paid plan, you will get the free membership that includes limited features.

Is it really free?

The trial is 100% free and no credit card is required at the time you sign up.

After your trial, you’ll be invited to join a paid membership. If you choose not to join a paid program, you’ll get a free membership that includes limited features.

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