Buck the trend

To "buck a trend" is to go against a trend

Today's story: AMLO leads in polls
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Buck the trend

The expression I want to tell you about today is “bucking a trend.” This is not an everyday expression, but I think it is one you should know. To buck a trend is to go against a trend. In Latin America lately, the trend has been for center-right parties to win or at least come close in national elections. That has happened in a large number of countries in Latin America in recent years—not all of them, to be sure, but in many of them. You would have to say the trend across Latin America these days is moving rightward , politically speaking . But if the left-wing AMLO wins the Mexican presidential election, he would be bucking the trend—he would be going against that trend.

Remember a few episodes back, I told you that the trend in the American workplace is to allow jeans every day of the week? Some people like being more casual around the office, but I have one coworker who likes to buck the trend and wear a suit every day. If everyone else is wearing jeans, he wants to be dressed in a nice suit. He likes to buck the trend, at least with his outfits .

In the United States, we’re buying fewer and fewer smartphones because we tend to keep our phones longer than we used to . So many companies, like Samsung, are seeing declines in sales of phones in the United States. But Apple was able to buck that trend in the beginning part of the year because they actually sold more phones in the United States than in previous quarters.

So now you know that to buck a trend means to go against a trend. If you send me some examples of ways that you may have bucked a trend, I’d be happy to share them with your fellow listeners on a future show.

Thanks for listening today. Don’t forget to vote on July 1 if you are in Mexico. Quick reminder: starting Monday, June 25, we are going to be doing one extra episode per week dedicated to the World Cup. Those episodes will come out on Mondays, with the regular two episodes coming out on Wednesday and Friday. So, if you are a sports fan , make sure you listen on Monday—we’ll talk about the early action at the World Cup . Hey, just don’t run the risk of missing it. If you’re on your iPhone, go to the Apple Podcasts app and click subscribe; if you’re on Spotify, click “follow.” That way there’s no chance you’ll miss it. JR and I will be back on Monday—have a great weekend.

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Story: AMLO leads in polls